Berlin, 15 May 2019
EU Women: EU Women’s March and Fest on 9 May 2019
Berlin, Brandenburg Gate, 12 noon to 5 pm
#Women4Europe #Europe4Women
Women will fix the world. We will fix the world.
European elections will take place in late May. We don’t want to leave Europe to the populists. Democracy and women’s rights belong together, and we want to protect and strengthen them in Europe.
On Europe Day, 9 May 2019, we sent out a strong signal in favour of human values and against the far right: we emphatically rejected toxic politicians with sights set on the past and intolerable old ideologies who are seeking to revive traditional patriarchy.
Together with personalities known for their commitment in politics, research, business and other walks of life, we gathered at the Brandenburg Gate / Pariser Platz in Berlin from 12 midday until 5 pm. All parties on the democratic spectrum were welcome to join us.
Despite the bad weather and rain showers, all the speakers could present, as announced, the different aspects that link the EU to women’s rights, human rights and to the democratic order, passionately describing their own commitment.
We recorded all the contributions in front of the most iconic symbol of Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate, and the videos will soon be available on ceberlin, our YouTube channel.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all our committed speakers, inter alia Prof. Maria Wersig (president, Deutscher Juristinnenbund), Gesine Agena (deputy chair, Bündnis 90/ DIE GRÜNEN), Italian MP Laura Boldrini and Canada’s Ambassador Stéphane Dion.
We succeeded to host a festival of women, presenting ideas, projects and campaigns to promote fair coexistence between men and women in Europe.
It is really important for us women in Europe to champion democracy, peace, human rights, the environment, equality, equal pay and everything we hold dear. In many other countries, this is not possible (anymore).
We renewed our call on everyone to go out and vote for parties committed to democracy and women’s rights. We again appeal to everyone to play their part in a just and prosperous society, and to enable women and men to live in a world where we can all feel at ease, develop our skills and move around freely, a world built by women and men for women and men.
Many thanks to Le Sbocciate for the musical performance, to the cameraman, the tech team and the orga team!
See you again on 9 May 2020 in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate!
Berlin, 24 April 2019
EU Women: EU Women’s March and Fest on 9 May 2019 Berlin, Brandenburg Gate, 12 noon to 5 pm
#Women4Europe #Europe4
WomenWomen will fix the world. We will fix the world.
European elections will take place in late May. We don’t want to leave Europe to the populists. Democracy and women’s rights belong together, and we want to protect and strengthen them in Europe.
On Europe Day, 9 May 2019, we intend to send out a strong signal in favour of human values and against the far right: we emphatically reject toxic politicians with sights set on the past and intolerable old ideologies who are seeking to revive traditional patriarchy.
Together with people known for their commitment in politics, research, business and other walks of life, and with good music, we will gather at the Brandenburg Gate / Pariser Platz in Berlin from 12 midday until 5 pm. All parties on the democratic spectrum are warmly welcome to join us.
Speakers include: Prof. Maria Wersig (president, Deutscher Juristinnenbund), Gesine Agena (deputy chair, Bündinis 90/ DIE GRÜNEN), Italian MP Laura Boldrini and Canada’s Ambassador Stéphane Dion.
We want this to be a festival of women too, presenting ideas, projects and campaigns to promote fair coexistence between men and women in Europe.
It is important for us women in Europe to champion democracy, peace, human rights, the environment, equality, equal pay and everything we hold dear.
We call on everyone to go out and vote. We urge everyone to vote for parties committed to democracy and women’s rights. We appeal to everyone to play their part in a just and prosperous society, and to enable women and men to live in a world where we can all feel at ease, develop our skills and move around freely, a world built by women and men for women and men.
Male supporters are warmly welcome.
Musical performance: Le Sbocciate (Milan, Italy)